About the Department

The Department of Humanities & Science (H&S) is established as a valuable support system for the undergraduate Programs of our institution. The department is well equipped with modern experimental setups and ample space for the young student fraternity to achieve a high standard of understanding and learning. Our dedication to research is evident through the publication of numerous papers in esteemed international and national-level science journals. Notably, our Physics and Chemistry Department has garnered recognition as a Research Center by Anna University Chennai, enabling us to conduct Ph.D. programs. Additionally, we have a dedicated Research Centre specifically focused on socially relevant technologies. Our department proudly holds sanctioned projects from prestigious organizations like DST, IEEE, along with industrial consultancy. Our curriculum places emphasis on the latest advancements and developments in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English, and their practical applications. To further enhance the technical skills of our students, we organize an annual State Level Convergence.